From newspaper searches.
One poll and three LTTEs
ONLINE POLL Would you donate money so that the abortion ban being proposed in the S.D. Legislature could be defended in court?
Yes 25.5%
No 65.0%
Not sure 6.1%
Don't care 3.5%
Total Votes: 314 LTTE
RepercussionsA tourism ban isn't the only repercussion to South Dakota's punitive abortion measures. For the past eight months I have been working "behind the scenes" to locate a major "think tank" organization here in the Black Hills.
We were one of three U.S. sites being considered and actually had an edge due to the available employment pool graduating from the School of Mines. This organization would have brought hundreds of jobs, economic benefits and worldwide recognition to the Black Hills and would have become a major tourist destination for programs offered to the public.
We have just been out and out flatly dropped, citing our "extreme political views and archaic treatment of women." LTTE
Proposed lawsProposals for the next legislative session:
Felonious fornication: No recreational sex allowed, only procreational intent tolerated.
Self Abuse Act: Males between 13-50 who require glasses should be suspected. Hair on the palms, guilty.
No heavy petting between species law: Causing a cat to arch its back and purr is against nature.
Misdemeanor Miscarriage: The women should be guiltless, but the men should be required to wear a hat that says BAD SEED.
Ban the word abortion from being spoken in the entire state of South Dakota. $1,000 fine in Pierre.
All the above proposals are not merited by science, reason or common sense. That will ensure they pass in Pierre with minimum debate.