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Was the CBS poll finding a tripwire? Did B*'s poll rating have to hit

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
merbex Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-02-06 06:45 AM
Original message
Was the CBS poll finding a tripwire? Did B*'s poll rating have to hit
some magic number for this tape to come out?

Is it suddenly okay to hmmm,point out that

That little lord pissypants, aka President George W. Bush,

Is an incompetent bumbling fool who by his negligence and dereliction of duty has contributed to the deaths of thousands of Americans?

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AndyA Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-02-06 07:50 AM
Response to Original message
1. Think about it
The right wing media tries to put a spin on everything, to influence how people feel and think about things.

So, when a Presidential poll starts dropping, or bad news hits, initially it can be ignored and attempts made to turn things around. But once you get to a certain point, it's kind of foolish to keep reporting how wonderful things are, since the majority of the people have made the decision that things aren't so hot.

The media still needs viewers, without them there's nothing. So at some point even the most right wing organization has to go into self preservation mode to keep their viewers. You can't ignore bad news forever, especially when others are reporting it - because eventually it starts to make the news organization look like they're missing things, or covering up.

That could mean a loss of viewers and ratings, as people go elsewhere because they perceive the coverage to be better. 34% approval ratings indicate the majority of Americans do not approve, and likely do not want to hear how wonderful President Bush is.

I think the tide has turned in America. You can't lie to people and deceive them forever. Eventually the truth catches up to you.
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