Forget the already born -- let's force more women and children into poverty by taking away reproductive choice! I've got a message for you, Mississippi -- the best, most effective way to reduce the number of abortions is to eliminate POVERTY, provide HEALTH CARE and JOBS, and insure that every child receives an adequate EDUCATION.
Children in Mississippi 761,268 children live in Mississippi
A child in Mississippi is born into poverty every 46 minutes
A child in Mississippi is abused or neglected every 2 hours
A child in Mississippi dies before his or her first birthday every 20 hours
A child or teen in Mississippi is killed by gunfire every 6 days
Mississippi Rankings*
Mississippi ranks 28 among states in the percent of babies born to mothers who received early prenatal care.
Mississippi ranks 49 among states in infant mortality.
Mississippi ranks 49 among states in per pupil expenditures.
Mississippi ranks 50 among states in the percent of children who are poor.
Mississippi ranks 50 among states in percent of babies born at low birthweight.
Child Poverty in Mississippi Number of poor children
Percent of children who are poor
Number of adults and children receiving cash assistance from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Maximum monthly TANF cash assistance for a family of three $170
Child Hungerin Mississippi
Number of children who receive food stamps 172,150
Percent of eligible persons who receive food stamps 57%
Number of children in School Lunch Program 397,076
Number of women and children receiving WIC (Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children)
Early Childhood Development in Mississippi Percent of children under age six with all parents in the labor force
Number of children served by Head Start
Number of children served by the Child Care and Development Block Grant
Average annual cost of child care for a four-year-old in a center
Child Welfare in Mississippi Number of children who were victims of abuse and neglect
Number of children in foster care
Number of children adopted from foster care
Number of grandparents raising their grandchildren
Education in Mississippi Amount spent per pupil in public school
Percent of fourth graders reading below grade level
Percent of fourth graders below grade level in math
Average class size in public elementary schools
Average class size in public secondary schools
Child Health in Mississippi Number of children without health insurance
Percent of children without health insurance
Percent of two-year-olds who are not fully immunized
Youth At Risk in Mississippi Percent of 16- to 19-year-olds who are not enrolled in school and are not high
school graduates
High school completion rate
Percent of 16- to 19-year-olds who are unemployed
Number of juveniles arrested
Number of children and teens in juvenile or adult correctional facilities
Number of children and teens killed by firearms:
14 homicides; 13 suicides; 5 accidents; and 2 undetermined
Compiled from the most up-to-date data available.
For more information on the state of America's children contact:
Children's Defense Fund
25 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 628-8787
Other info:
The Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates that Mississippi's total state product in 2003 was $72 billion. Per capita personal income in 2003 was $23,466, 51st in the nation (ranking includes the District of Columbia).
• Of the 757,000 children in Mississippi, 175,000, or 23.1%, are living in poverty.<14> Among the 50 states and the District of Columbia, Mississippi ranks 7th in percentage of children living in poverty.<15>
• 41% of Mississippi’s children live with parents who do not have full-time, year-round employment (the national average is 33%).<16>
• 12% of teens in Mississippi do not attend school and do not work (the national average is 9%).<17>
• Mississippi residents aged 20-24 have an unemployment rate of 15.2% (the state unemployment rate for all ages is 6.2%).<18>
(October 2005)
America's Health Rankings: Mississippi, 50th links to articles on women and children in poverty in the U.S. :