I was reading this fantastic article yesterday by
Hartmann that included the following:
Through a combination of the "Fast Track" authority pushed for by Reagan and GHW Bush, sweetheart trade deals involving "most favored nation status" for dictatorships like China, and Clinton pushing us into NAFTA and the WTO (via GATT), we've abandoned the principles of tariff-based trade that built American industry and kept us strong for over 200 years.
he (Thomas Jefferson) just as easily could have been writing of the World Trade Organization, which now has the legal authority to force the United States to overturn laws passed at both local, state, and federal levels with dictates devised by tribunals made up of representatives of multinational corporations. If Dubai loses in the American Congress, their next stop will almost certainly be the WTO. Ultimately, it's not about security -- it's about money. In the multinational corporatocracy's "flat world," money trumps the national good, community concerns, labor interests, and the environment. NAFTA, CAFTA, and WTO tribunals can - and regularly do - strike down local and national laws. Thomas Paine's "Rights of Man" are replaced by Antonin Scalia's "Rights of Corporate Persons." Okay so does this apply to the UAE? from this map

here it appears to me that the UAE isn't in the WTO. Am I missing something?
Now if Friedman is right the US Congress is somehow going to have to let this pass through or at least fail to block it. Man o man is that going to require some serious dancing by the Republicans. There baseS are stirred up over this like it was Clinton's fault (which might be the next spin).
Anyway I was wondering if Friedman was right about this.