This is a fabulous idea, and the contrast between good Democrats working to solve problems in the world, and the bizarre fantasy-world nightmare of Bush/Republicans, the contrast between "Good Government"/rule of law, and ripping modern civilization apart to grab at the profits, is just right. I would stay completely away from slogans except to show the lies of Republicans; the whole point would even be that they are "all slogan", and to equate slogans with no results as lies. There should be a strong, overiding sense that the country/the world are in good hands when we are there running things, and under neverending attack when criminal, corporate Republicans are there.
There should be a building, stirring feeling of excitement and greatness, a country once again on the move, etc., when you hear these Democratic quotes and ideas, as contrasted with the incomprehensible, deathly incompetence and cold uncaring of this Administration's "response" to everything. The JFK, Carter, etc., references are great, and there should be more, as if the idea of "this whole Party is filled with these great, smart people with conscience." You wouldn't need your own narrative so much as several great excerpt quotes showing what the difference is. Franklin Roosevelt took office on March 4, 1933, and immediately went to work solving the multiple problems of the Depression. No "tested slogans" or "framing," but instant action on programs. "Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is--fear itself," and later, "Our greatest primary task is to put people to work." Just after that, a whole series of New Deal programs were launched, to help people, now, with their problems. Roosevelt started banking reforms to protect people's savings and to stop "panics" and runs on the banks. The first "fireside chat," explaining policy to the American people (we do that), began, "I want to talk for a few minutes with the people of the United States about banking..." and "I want to tell you what has been done in the last few days, why it was done, and what the next steps are going to be." We treat people with intelligence and respect; this is their country. There could be a montage of New Deal programs, including the wonderful and very smart Home Owners' Loan Corp., where the Federal Government bought the mortgages of homeowners being killed by the payments, made the terms easier, and allowed people to pay them off. Over a million families were helped to keep their homes by this program, and all eventually paid them off. "One out of every five mortgaged nonfarm homes in the country benefited from the HOLC." (From the book "The Thirties: America and the Great Depression.")
I would contrast that with the almost unbelievable stupidity and arrogance of "Mission Accomplished," "heckuva job Brownie," something about the shot-in-the-face hunting trip with no legal consequences, etc., to build up a total impression of moral intelligence versus a despicable moneyed class run wild, and not giving a damn what they do to us. Make the point that we are suddenly, hated in the world where we were once universally well-thought-of, as you did, and that we the American people do not deserve this--that it was done equally to us--but that Bush and Republicans do; get rid of them. Then, show current Democrats of today, on the job, analyzing things intelligently and with conscience for the right, and proposing ways to instantly solve problems, if only they could. The recent report and recommendations by Representative Louise Slaughter on lobbying and criminality by the Republican Congress is a great example. Play at least one quick quote showing understanding of the problem, and show how we are the Party of intelligence, public service, and solutions. Tie all these things together historically as you have with examples, and it gives an inspiring total impression of us vs. them.