I just got the email from Reid as follows:
Last night, the Associated Press released tapes containing a shocking piece of information. According to the accompanying article, "In dramatic and sometimes agonizing terms, federal disaster officials warned President Bush and his homeland security chief before Hurricane Katrina struck that the storm could breach levees, risking lives in New Orleans' Superdome and overwhelm rescuers, according to confidential video footage of the briefings." <1>
This contradicts President Bush's now infamous claim that no one anticipated the breach of the levees. ("I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees. They did anticipate a serious storm. But these levees got breached." <2>
These tapes once again demonstrate the need for an independent and thorough investigation into the government's failures surrounding Hurricane Katrina. For months, this Administration and their Republican counterparts in the Senate have consistently rejected calls for any outside investigation into the disaster.
Now we know why - this new video shows that they have systematically misled the American people to hide their own incompetence. Two Republican investigations into Katrina have been completed and two reports have been issued. It is now apparent that both have only scratched the surface. This Administration has a lot to answer for, and America must learn the truth.
We need an Independent Katrina Commission NOW. Help me take this message to George Bush and Bill Frist by signing our petition demanding an Independent Commission: