I think they bailed Bayer out of paying for their part, in the Nazi death camp crimes.
Edit...I had heard, when the big scare was going on, that doxycycline and probably some other American made drugs, were as effective against anthrax as Cipro was.
Here is what I'm talking about...Right when Bayer had to pay for it's horrid sins of the past...Wham Bush spends a billion dollars on Bayer???? When he could have bought the pills that would have worked against anthrax, in this country, cheaper...WHY??????
Survivor of Nazi Sterilization Experiments Says $8,000 Isn't Enough
Wed, 19 Nov 2003
Simon Rozenkier, now 75, a survivor of Nazi medical experiments has filed a lawsuit two German pharmaceutical giants, against Bayer and Schering, who supplied the infamous Dr. Josef Mengele with "experts" and the experimental drugs used to sterilize him.
Dr. Jay Lifton, author of "The Nazi Doctors" notes, "Certainly there was widespread sterilization and castration, and all this was part of a distorted racial vision that sought to destroy the capacity to reproduce in ostensibly inferior races and especially Jews."
Simon Rozenkier bears living testimony to the ultimate goal of eugenics, a pseudoscience that has proven itself to be a front for deliberate ethnic and racial extinction. He said his life was spared because the Nazi doctors thought he had unusual genes inasmuch as he had reddish blond hair--supposedly an Aryan feature. His family, including his 3 sisters and brother were not spared, and the experiments rendered him incapable of producing children of his own.
Mr. Rozenkier, is suing Bayer and Schering because "records show that doctors from Schering participated in the sterilization work at Birkenau and other camps, while drugs Bayer developed were used in sterilizations." MORE...
http://www.ahrp.org/infomail/03/11/19.phpMaterials About Bayer´s Nazi-past:
Bayer "Aryanized" Jewish Cemetery
Newly found documents show that in 1942 IG Farben´s branch office in Uerdingen, Germany got hold of the town's Jewish cemetery. The forced sale price was way below the actual market value: 100,000 square meter property for 3,000 Reichsmark. After the war the property was passed on to IG Farben´s successor BAYER AG.
The Nazis dissolved the Jewish Community of Uerdingen in 1942. Today all traces of the Jewish cemetery in Uerdingen have been completely obliterated. The city archive indicates that the cemetery was located approximately where the main gate to the BAYER factory currently stands.
The COORDINATION AGAINST BAYER-DANGERS demands that the company publicly apologize for the defilement of the Uerdingen cemetery and affix a memorial plaque to the main gate of the company´s Uerdingen works. Hans Frankenthal, former slave worker in IG Farben´s plant in Auschwitz and board member of the Jewish Community: "I was terrified when I learned from this offence against Jewish belief. According to our faith, taking possession of the cemetery without exhuming the bodies is tantamount to defiling the graves."
BAYER today is living off the fruits of Nazi legalism. On paper everything was legally correct: Julius Israel Kohn from the "Association of Jews in the German Reich" and Bernhard Hoffmann, the representative of IG Farben, signed the sales agreement in a notary´s office, and the copy of this seemingly standard real estate transaction has a stamp from the Krefeld tax office.MORE...
http://www.cbgnetwork.org/365.htmlExperimental Auschwitz
Auschwitz applied most of its energies to killing people, but its openness to virtually any form of human manipulation inevitably resulted in a wide variety of additional experiments. Eduard Wirths, as chief doctor, was the Auschwitz sponsor and facilitator of most of these experiments, particularly those in which there was interest from Berlin at a higher level. An example here is the continuous experimental activity of SS Captain Dr. Helmuth Vetter, a key figure in pharmacological “trials” in Auschwitz and elsewhere. He was employed for many years with Bayer Group WII of the I. G. Farben Industry, Inc., Leverkusen, and, at Auschwitz, retained his connections. He ran medical trials for Bayer in Auschwitz and Mauthausen (and possibly in other camps) on several therapeutic agents, including sulfa medications and other preparations whose content is not exactly known.* More...
http://www.holocaust-history.org/lifton/LiftonT291.shtmlOffer called too low to compensate Nazi-era slave laborers
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Lawyers for people who worked as Nazi-era slaves and forced laborers called a compensation offer from leading German companies unacceptably low and threatened to walk out when negotiations resume Wednesday.
At a Washington news conference Tuesday, slave laborers, survivors and their attorneys urged the companies to finish the talks quickly and offer "meaningful compensation."
Among the 16 German firms directly involved in the talks are Bayer, BASF and Hoechst -- successors to the IG Farben pharmaceutical and chemical conglomerate that made poison gas used in Nazi extermination camps. There are an estimated 1.5 million to 2.4 million survivors of slave and forced laborers.
Carmakers Volkswagen, DaimlerChrysler and BMW, as well as Germany's top three banks -- Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank and Commerzbank -- are also represented. More...
http://www.cnn.com/US/9910/05/nazi.labor/Bayer predecessor financed torture in concentration camps
by Co-ordination against the Dangers of Bayer, Germany
The BAYER control centre
The control centre for IG Farben conducted human experiments came from BAYER. The notorious scientific department was directed by Wilhelm Mann. He was also manager and a member of governing board of the Cyclone B monopoly, Degesch. He carried out the annihilation of Jews with indifference and recognised human experimentation as an example of progress. The BAYER researcher, Prof. Gerhard Domagk, conducted human experiments for germ warfare under contracts from the SS. He was later awarded the Nobel prise for medicine for his discovery of sulphonamide. Sulphonamide was first tested on humans who were infested with gangrene and finally treated with antibiotics from BAYER. Death was inclusive.
It appears that all at the IG Farben company had an interest in human experimentation. IG Farben top managers, Bütefisch, von Schnitzler, Ambros, ter Meer and Dürrfeld met with Auschwitz's factory head, Rudolf Höß and SS leader Heinrich Himmler on friendly terms at Auschwitz. The correspondence between BAYER and the Auschwitz concentration camp gruesomely documented experiments on humans. BAYER put an order for 150 women, necessary for new experiments. They were deemed as "sufficient" despite "their miserable state of health" after "delivery". There it meant, "the experiment have been carried out. All test objects are dead. We would like to inform you that we will be needing a new delivery shortly."
Continuity until today
IG Farben lost only 13% percent of their capacity in air strikes during the Second World War. Industrial plants were hardly bombed because the Americans knew that IG Farben delivered aeroplane fuel via the Rockefeller group. After the war who was chosen to be the judge of the lawsuit against IG Farben management during the Nuremberg trials but Howard C. Peterson. Peterson was a former partner of the New York law firm, Cravath, Gersdorff, Swain & Wood. They represented the interests of IG Farben after the war in the USA.
IG Farben board member, Fritz ter Meer became the chairman of the board for BAYER in 1956. He said during the Nuremberg trials on the topic of human experiments that "concentration camp prisoners were not subjected to exceptional suffering, because they would have been killed anyway". Eleven of the IG Farben managers were set free. Six received prison sentences from 18 months to 3 years. Ter Meer received a 7 year sentence, while Ambros and Dürrfeld received eight years. All those convicted were released from prison early. Some were included in the succeeding management team of the IG Farben Cartel. Much More...