I've often commented that it's hard to keep up with the Bush administration's failures. Lately, they've been coming so fast and are of such magnitude and severity that the most recent fuck-up succeeds in knocking the previous ones out of the headlines. Because the public has such a short memory, I suppose this is a net positive for BushCo. But it's a big negative for the rest of us who have to live in their very damaged world.
BushCo and their enablers are fond of the catch-phrase "I don't think anybody could have imagined that ." Then, when confronted with documentary evidence of the fact that they had indeed imagined , their canned response is "This adds nothing new to what we've already seen. Let's not play the blame game. We need to look forward, not backward, and keep at the job of protecting America and its citizens."
Let's cut the crap. I will cop to a failure of imagination. I don't think I, or anyone, for that matter, could have imagined how corrupt, morally bankrupt, and dangerously inept the Bush administration could have been. I'll spare you the litany of BushCo scandals, failures, and outrages -- this adds nothing new, nor do I have enough space, time, or sanity to do the accounting. The ship of state has taken on more water than it can withstand and it's high time we heed the call to drastic action. To the 34-percent rag-tag band of cement-heads who still think Bush is capable of leading this nation, I offer you this: Go Fuck Yourselves. You might be willing to go down with the ship, but I'm not. So even if it means saving you from your moronic selves (and believe me, I'd rather not), the rest of us in reality-land are going to have to right the ship. We must throw the crew overboard and return control to competent leaders.
We can not afford another three years of catastrophic misrule, nor can we afford to wait until November, as if something magical will happen then and return us to normalcy. We're sinking quickly and each passing day brings yet a bigger rock in the ballast tank. It's time to start talking about impeachment with dread seriousness and the utmost of urgency. We're in big trouble right now and it's only going to get worse; how much worse it gets is partly in our control. The majority of Americans do not want BushCo running the country anymore and it's up to We The Very Angry People to snap them out of their slumber and overcome their temerity.
The message is simple: Impeach. Work it into your everyday speech. Impeach. Share it with your friends. Impeach. Tell it to your family. Impeach. Bark it angrily at your enemies. IMPEACH! Make it your mantra. Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!