Although this article needs a good spellcheck, it supports my theory that perhaps Bush IS the Fifth Column. The question is, WHY?
Much has been made recently of giving a United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) company control of at least 21 major US ports. There is enormous potential for UAE’s Islamic leaders to use their control of US ports to help destroy the US economy and to bring in shipping containers to US ports that could hold WMDS and terror agents loyal to AlQaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah. The reasons for this well-founded concern are based on the close loyalties of UAE’s leaders to Islamic terrorism and extremist groups:
UAE’s leaders are close to Bin Laden and fully recognized the Taliban. UAE’s leaders fund the terror group Hamas.
UAE’s president and his father have been at the forefront of their own self-declared economic jihad waged against the economies of the West and the US, including setting up their own fiancé markets to launder drug, charity, illicit weapons, black market nuke and WMD monies to Islamic terror organizations...
...The GW Bush and Condi Rice announced war on terror is intentionally designed to fail, because Bush and Rice not only refuse to block China’s and UAE’s support of terrorists in the US and around the world, they also protect and facilitate China’s and UAE’s efforts by arrogantly shoving the COSCO and the UAE port and shipping deals down the throats of Congress and the American people. HW Bush’s brother, Prescott Bush, as Chairman of the US-Chinese Chamber of Commerce helps APCO promote COSCO and Chinese illegal espionage and terror activities in the US. Bush and Rice have been aided in their efforts to promote COSCO, the UAE and even the Taliban with the help of the Republican Chairman of the House Subcommittee on International Relations with investigatory powers, Dana Rohrabacher of California. Rohrabacher, like the UAE, openly supported the Taliban during the Clinton and early GW Bush presidencies. Rohrabacher actually aided Chinese access to the Long Beach shipyard.