I think this should be our new meme... and I think we should flood the White House, all our representatives, every newspaper and news website with this basic fundamental undeniable truth.
George W. Bush is CLEARLY too stupid to be President of the United States of America, to the point that he is dangerous to himself and all the rest of us.
His "covering my ass" statements further prove my point.
He said "We are fully prepared" when told of the impending doom that would come with hurricane Katrina. WRONG! He knew as much, no more, than the rest of the world and yet he failed to see that we were nowhere near being fully prepared.
He thought he was getting good intelligence on WMD. Excuse me, but the world fully expects anyone who holds such a powerful office as POTUS to be intelligent enough to recognize good, or bad intelligence when they see it.
Now he thinks it's a good idea to put our ports in the hands of a country that aided and abetted the people who attacked us on 9/11/01. This is just plain stupid on so many levels, no matter what brain-rotting excuses they try to make.
Let's make a list of all these things, compile it and post it here so we can all cut and paste. I know many of you have a list of email addresses, etc. That would be helpful too.
Our government is not listening to us, which only further points to the fact that it is no longer of the people, by the people and for the people as it should be. It's time to gather our own force and make a huge stink!