I was reading this article from the
LA times and part jumps out at me. It appears the issue is shifting to assuming, without knowing precisely what the NSA is doing, that they can continue their program and IF they find a terrorist, THEN they have to get a warrant. I object to this, I don't think the NSA ought to be collecting data and collating it through telecomm switches, etc and chunking the data when it involves domestic surveillance at one end... PERIOD. I believe we must have a debate about whether the NSA should be doing this in the first place.
Republican senators reported progress Wednesday toward developing legislation that would impose stricter congressional and judicial oversight on the Bush administration's warrantless domestic spying program.
Senators who took part in an ad hoc working group said there was agreement that Congress should permit such National Security Agency intercepts as long as the administration would be required to seek a court warrant at some point after a terrorist suspect had been identified. The legislation also would increase the number of members of Congress who are kept informed about the surveillance activities, probably through a special subcommittee in each chamber.