the university was founded in the late 1960s
the Roberts had 4 daughter died in a plane crash with her husband; one son was apparently quite brilliant, attended Stanford, became a popular foreign language teacher at a Tulsa magnet high school, and may have committed suicide
the other son Richard Roberts is also an evangelist and the president of ORU; Richard's second wife Lindsay is herself a popular evangelist......Lindsay's brother Henry Salem is married to a former Miss America; they have 2 sons.....their daughter died tragically when she was about 7.....apparently largely b/c of their daughter's death, the Salems now have their own ministry
Oral's wife Evelyn died last year after a fall in a parking lot in CA, where they had been living for some years
Oral Roberts is given the credit for starting the second charismatic revival with his first tent meeting in 1949.....he had tent meetings everywhere, and then in the 60s he had a major TV show
a one time the university had a law school (I think Anita Hill studied here) and a medical and dental school.....ORU has a graduate Business School, a graduate Education School (a very high % of local and state 'teacher of the year' teachers have graduated from ORU) and a seminary (in the 70s up to 10 seminary students left pentecostal/protestant churches and became Eastern Orthodox priests; in the early 90s several theological faculty became Roman Catholics--they're still faculty members)
after the Bakker and Swaggert scandals, many evangelists experienced a major drop in funding; Roberts' ministry and the school also lost money b/c many of the early partners (who joined in the days of the tent ministry) had died
Cheryl Prewitt Salem, Miss America 1980
A horrifying automobile accident, a scarred face, a body cast and a wheelchair did not add up to disaster for this little girl. When Cheryl Prewitt was only a young girl of eleven, this accident forced her to decide whether to trust God or just give up and accept the prognosis . . . Doctors promised that she would be scarred, they claimed that she would not walk again, they insisted that bearing children would be impossible for her . . . they were wrong!
Cheryl not only walked; she walked the runway at Atlantic City to become Miss America! Only her focused faith in God kept her on the road to winning. She married Harry Salem and gave birth to three beautiful children! Throughout the years, she has relied upon that same undaunted focused trust in Him to keep her on the winning side.
Cheryl Salem grew up in Choctaw County, Mississippi. Through her unyielding trust in God, she overcame a devastating, crippling car accident and being sexually abused as a child to achieve her dreams. She is a wife, mother, musician, and minister of the gospel, accompanying her husband all over the world, to preach the Good News.
The news that the Salems received in early 1999 was anything but good, however. Everything in life had seemingly come together to near perfection. But in a matter of a few hours one January morning, this family was rocked to the core. Their beautiful 5-year-old daughter, Gabrielle Christian, received a diagnosis that declared she would not live to see her 6th birthday. For 11 months, this family stood in faith, believing God for Gabrielle's healing to manifest. She now lives in Heaven, completely restored! Theirs is a testimony of hope, trust in God's sovereign plan, and of restoration. They have not backed down, they have not given up, they continue to reach out to people, to show them how to go from mourning to morning and from grief to glory.
more info than you ever really wanted, right????.....more about ORU and the ministry at