You say: "...after watching this, maybe they'd realize contraceptives are a GOOD thing."
The problem with your idea is in the word "realize." From Dictionary.com:
re·al·ize v. re·al·ized, re·al·iz·ing, re·al·iz·es v. tr. 1. To comprehend completely or correctly. 2. To bring into reality; make real: He finally realized his lifelong ambition to learn how to play the violin. 3. To make realistic: a film that realizes court life of the 17th century. 4. To obtain or achieve, as gain or profit: She realized a substantial return on the investment.
Our unfortunate Freeper/fundie brethren are incapable of comprehending anything completely OR correctly. Therefore, if they WERE to watch Soylent Green, the point of the story would either go over their heads, or more likely, get twisted into something totally different. They would walk away from it thinking "that Chuck Heston was at his peak in that one!" Rather than "by that time, Heston had completed his slide into insanity!"
As far as definition #2 is concerned, Freeper/fundies are, as we all know by now, not connected to reality in any meaningful way. Or even in any non-meaningful way. In any way at all! It's not possible to present a Freeper/fundie with an allegory and have them make any connection between that and whatever point you are trying to get across. Stop trying!
"To make realistic: a film that realizes court life of the 17th century." No Freeper/fundie has ever watched a film about court life of the 17th century. Wanna see a Freeper film? Rent "Red Scorpion" written and produced by our pal Jack Abramoff. A real pleasure! For a fundie film, see Chuck Heston's early work when he thought he was Moses.
Finally, we get to the meat of the matter. "4. To obtain or achieve, as gain or profit: She realized a substantial return on the investment." Ah! that's how you'll get their attention! Profit!!!
(Sweetie and I rented Soylent Green a few months ago... it was as bad as I remembered! Actually, I think I fell asleep...)