My memory is not as good as it used to be but I recollect that Bill Clinton was impeached but not convicted for being less than forthright about having received oral sex from a chubby, young, adoring intern. He is still reviled by conservatives for this one mis-step (it must be the case because if I ever mention Bill Clinton that is the first thing out of their mouths).
If that is the case then the conservatives must be ready to tar and feather, draw and quarter, hang, and otherwise excoriate Bush after impeaching and convicting him. He has lied so much that it is now becoming hard to remember all of them. His lies are more than merely twisting the meaning of terms like "sexual relations" to exclude non-vaginal sex. These are huge whoppers, big ugly piles of poop, stinky, nasty lies. Lies with consequences that cost thousands of American lives and the lives of thousands of Iraqis.
Let's just look at three that stand out:
1. "Iraq has WMD's and has an active nuclear program. Iraq had ties with Al Qaeda. I will go back to the UN for a second vote before going to war."
I gave him the benefit of the doubt by combining an entire string of untruths and only counting the long series of lies leading up to the war as one. It has now been well documented that these were all false and that any reasonable person would have known they were lying to have said any of these things.
2. "If anyone in my administration leaked the name of a CIA agent they will be fired."
What can you say about this whopper. Scooter Libby resigned (he wasn't fired) only after being indicted. Reporters have indicated that Dick Cheney and Karl Rove both were complicit in outing Valerie Wilson yet they are still on the taxpayers payroll.
3. "Brownie, you're doin' a heck of a job." "No one predicted the levees would be breached."
One day before the landfall of hurricane Katrina the leading NOAA hurricane expert told Bush that the outlook for the levees being overrun was grave. I won't even mention the broken promises Bush made in his photo-op speech made in Jackson Square as New Orleans continues to flounder with neither an adequate plan nor money to rebuild.
So, when do we get started with the impeachment, conservatives? You are all people of principle who believe in taking responsibility for the consequences of your actions. You always tell me how you believe in morals and doing the right thing unlike we liberals who will are always rationalizing. I am with you on standing tall on morals this time. Let's get to it. I await your answer with baited breath.