Edited on Fri Mar-03-06 11:48 AM by slaveplanet
about a number of issues ,Debt(how the Thugs want to saddle us with 800B more debt and sneak it through), Stem Cells, and Pension reform. Well a bunch of thug toadies aides didn't like Reid's tack, so they went and fetched head thug Frist, who you could tell had been barely briefed before running back half cocked to the Senate floor to express his displeasure.
During Reid's oratory. he touched on the point that the thugs were being difficult with the number of senators that were to be let into the conference committee. Lott was on the floor accusing everybody of being babies , and that he'd never seen anything like it. During that, he let out the number 9-7 to which Reid immediately interrupted in agreement. But then went on to say that some senators were just stalling things, because they wanted to be assured they'd have a seat in the committee. Lott kept harping on the fact that millions of Americans would be affected if the pension issue wasn't resolved by mid-April.