, March 3 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following statement and fact sheet was released today by the Democratic National Committee:
Republicans are in denial. This week, while President Bush defended his bungling of a deal to allow a foreign-owned company to run six of our nation's largest seaports, Republican strategists continued to argue that the issue of security would propel Republicans to victory in the 2006 elections. But, according to numerous polls, the American people no longer trust Washington Republicans on the issue of security.
A host of polls from this week showed that President Bush's approval ratings are at an all-time low, that Americans no longer approve of his handling of the war on terror and don't trust Republicans to keep them safe, and that the Bush Administration and Bush Republicans in Washington have not done enough to keep our ports safe and secure.
And also at the link they present the polls, and here are two. More at the link.
See below for a new document from DNC Research:
"Bush Job Approval Rating Is Between 34 And 38 Percent - His Lowest By Some Measures
According to a CBS/New York Times poll, Bush's job approval is 34 percent. A CNN poll found a job approval rating of 38 percent. An LA Times poll found a job approval rating of 38 percent. A Fox poll found an approval rating of 39 percent. According to the New York Times, "Bush's latest job performance rating is the lowest measured for him in a poll conducted by the Times or CBS News." (New York Times, 2/27/06; CBS News/New York Times poll, released 2/27/06; LA Times/Bloomberg poll, released 3/2/06; CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, released 3/2/06; Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll, released 3/2/06)
Current Job Approval Ratings About Five Points Lower Than January
January's CBS/New York Times poll found a Bush approval rating of 42 percent. January's CNN job approval rating was 43 percent. A Fox January poll found an approval rating of 42 percent. (CBS News/New York Times poll, released 2/27/06; CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, released 3/2/06; Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll, released 3/2/06)"