I see a lot of misinformation here about the craptor ratings, oops I mean the factor.
So here are the FACTS.
This is the yearly average for the O'Reilly Factor from 12-27-04 to 12-25-05.
Rating - 2.2
Total Viewers - 2,490,000
This is the 3rd quarter O'Reilly Factor rating from 6-27-05 to 9-25-05
Rating - 2.5
Total Viewers - 2,820,000
This is the Factor rating for October 2005
Rating - 2.3
Total Viewers - 2,600,000
This is the Factor rating for November 2005
Rating - 2.2
Total Viewers - 2,500,000
This is the Factor rating for January 2006
Rating - 2.0
Total Viewers - 2,325,000
This is the Factor rating for February 2006
Rating - 1.9
Total Viewers - 2,228,000
So as you can see O'Reilly has dropped from a 2.5 rating in the 3rd quarter of 2005 to a 1.9 rating for February.
In case you want a link, here it is.
http://www.oreilly-sucks.com/politics/cablenewsratings.htm You should also remember that all during the time of this ratings drop O'Reilly has been saying that his ratings are increasing, which is a total flat out LIE.
I know some people here will not care, I am just posting this so DUers are informed with the facts.