to an article at a top Conservative weekly, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff has "only a few days left," RAW STORY has found.
On Thursday, former FEMA director Michael D. Brown said that Chertoff deserved to be fired for his performance during Hurricane Katrina, and another official who oversaw the federal response, Matthew Broderick, director of operations for DHS, resigned.
Excerpts from the article written by John Gizzi, Political Editor for Human Events Online: the aftermath of the public revelation of the presidential "teleconference" and mounting criticism of the performance of Michael Chertoff, Administration sources told HUMAN EVENTS today that the secretary of Homeland Security has "only a few days left" in the Bush Cabinet.
As one source acquainted with the former federal prosecutor and U.S. appellate judge said under promise of anonymity, "They will give
a little time so it won't hurt his reputation too much, but he's probably got only a few days left."
For weeks, Chertoff has been under fire from Capitol Hill and in the media for his performance during the disaster last year. In addition, more criticism has been fuelded by his clash with former FEMA Director Michael Brown in the so-called post-Katrina "blame game." (See HUMAN EVENTS' exclusive report, "Brown: White House Made Me Scapegoat.")
Last month, however, when I asked White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan if the President had confidence in the embattled Chertoff, he replied without hesitation "Absolutely." Even Sen. Hillary Clinton (D.-N.Y.), a very public critic of the Administration's handling of Katrina, stopped short of calling on Chertoff to leave.