it was all about taking care of all human beings illegal or not in this country. It was a great statement from a Catholic Priest and one I agree with.
edit: here is another link to the same issue<snip>
A new law was recently passed on Dec. 17th of 2005; H.R. 4437 The Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. It was sponsored by James Sensenbrenner, and passed with 92 percent of Republicans for, and 82 percent of Democrats against.
In a nutshell, the law states that any church or non-profit organization is guilty of committing a federal offense, if they give any assistance whatsoever to illegal immigrants. It makes no difference if the organization in question, has any knowledge the status of the person they are helping or not. The penalties include fines, jail time, and property seizure.
The big problems with the law, are, that it does nothing to strengthen the borders, and curb the flow of illegal immigration. It punishes non-profit social assistance organizations, and churches that may be feeding, or providing shelter to illegal aliens, even though they may not know that they are illegal. The kick in the head from this whole thing? There is nothing in the law that punishes the for-profit places that continue to exploit illegal labor, such as Farms, Hotels, or Restaurants.