I thought I would lose my mind...and then Cindy Sheehan went to Crawford, and then Katrina, Abramhoff, Libby, Fitzmas came and went, the State of the Union and the lock step purple fingers..and the phony applause while Sheehan got arrested, 2300 dead soldiers, tens of thousands of dead Iraqis, wiretap hearings, more Abu Gharab photos, Gitmo torture, Dubai ports world, civil war or close to it in Iraq, trillions of dollars in deficit, money owed to the Chinese....and finally, a few have decided to question... if this is not enough, I cant imagine what is....this administration has destroyed our country...our credibility and the future of our children...i remain enraged...its better only because a few have decided to stop pretending that this administration can do no wrong...but as long as he and his cult are in office..we are in trouble...I will never forget the so called journalists who helped destroy us...or the congressmen and women who looked the other way...