Gustavo Arellano has a funny column in the OC Weekly called: Ask a Mexican. week the LAT ran a story about him and since then other MSMers picked the line.
He will be on the Weekend Today show tomorrow but earlier this week was on Tucker - which I missed, not usually watching him.
But reading the transcritp... where is Jon Stewart when we need him?
CARLSON: Welcome back.
There are all kinds of stereotypes out there about Mexicans. I don‘t need to repeat them to you, because my next guest will. Gustavo Arellano‘s wildly popular and controversial “Ask a Mexican” column has turned him into a celebrity in Southern California.
He takes reader‘s real questions, like, “Why do Mexicans sell oranges at freeway off ramps?” And responds with hilarious political incorrectness. Mr. Arellano writes for the “Orange County Weekly. He joins me live tonight from Orange, California.
Gustavo Arellano, thanks a lot for coming on.
CARLSON: Very well. I‘m from Southern California. I know the lingo. Why do Mexicans sell oranges by freeway off-ramps? What was your answer to that one?
ARELLANO: What do you want them to—yes, what do you want them to sell? Steinways? You know, oranges are easy to sell. They make a nice profit, and you don‘t have to—you don‘t have to report anything to the tax man. So you could make a good $5,000 a year, made it into the United States economy there.
CARLSON: I am—first of all, I‘m completely in favor of that. I love oranges and I think it‘s a great service. I‘m not criticizing it in any way at all.
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