Edited on Sat Mar-04-06 12:47 PM by HypnoToad
We're losing jobs, GDP, increasing national debt.
It's obvious they want to damage America to the brink, leave, then allow it to collapse.
The trouble is, what they are doing solves nothing.
Offshoring; the moving jobs, and the energy requirements to supply those jobs overseas will not reduce the energy problem. It's just being shifted.
How much will truly be saved with America blown off the face of the map?
They will still fly from New Delhi to London; Paris to Canberra. You name it. No energy is saved.
Ditto for driving.
What they are doing by eliminating us will have no long-term positive effect once the deed is done. I doubt the short-term 'savings' will be beneficial either.
And with the Earth itself in ecological disarray, I wouldn't waste a damn minute worrying about the future. They'll be as fried as the rest of us. Nixing one continent over the next year or so won't make too much difference...
For God creates. Man invents.
God wanted us all to prosper. And while we defied God originally, we were still given the ability to be civilized. What happened? But I digress...
Man invented money to ensure some prosper at the cost of others. This is the most ungodly thing ANYONE could do.
And God is repaying us all in kind.
We've lost our humanity. Sold it out; the irony bleeds. No wonder God sees us all as a lost cause.
We've had our warnings; the decade of the 1970s being the most obvious one regarding the state of environment and energy supplies. And the leaders of the 1980s and 1990s did virtually nothing to help.
This is the reality.
You cannot fight what is futile.
They choose not to teach 300 million people to fish.
They prefer to sell out to a country containing over 3 TIMES as many people. In a continent containing well over FOUR TIMES THAT amount. A world containing over 6 BILLION starving souls. That can't begin to properly support any of them.
America alone uses 25% the world's energy sources. What is happening is a shift, not a decline of requirement. The 25% we see now will not instantly become magically available after our demise. There will be no new Golden Age by abandoning the US for a region that inherently requires more resources in order to keep the populace subjugated.
And as you have seen, Mr. President, the rest of the world isn't blindly following you either -- despite thanking you for the jobs and building up a belief that they will get to keep those jobs and the potential for advancement forever. Which means for all their vile slandering against Americans, they're pretty much thickheaded, moronic imbeciles too.
As history has proven, some mouths will bite the hands that feed them. And given how India and Pakistan have shown a distinct line, I worry it won't be long before they turn off all the computers sold to them for cheap, which in turn turns off a hell of a lot more. (never mind what China could easily do...) Americans don't understand what's going on. Again, it's all inference and conjecture. And unlike the people of those countries, Americans are loyal to theirs. We WILL stick together. They won't. We've seen in the past how our friends turn on us. Americans don't turn on each other.
Worst of all: Corporate globalization does not mean the governments of the countries we are offshoring too will blindly follow in line, nor the people of those countries either. We're still drawn out by pretty lines on a map. And I worry China will remind us about that too... well, far more than this kindergarten romp against Google... and an ABC special a few years back had shown a Chinese woman bemused over why a 1 pound bag of lays potato chips was $3 when she could get a 5 pound bag of potatoes for $5.
I will say that I agree with Mr. Bush: America has become complacent. Video games and ipods and other technogarbage have stilted American development. But who is ultimately responsible? The players or the peddlers, who entice the young to buy and use it because it's "cool" and "fun" and "be just like everyone else"? Marketing is an influence. Target market.
And making education so far out of reach, it's impossible TO expand. Mr. President, Americans see no future and THAT is why many of them have given up. Speaking to us with riddles in return does little to help. Not when the ambient conditions contradict don't tally to what is being said.
So, there you have it. A confused series of ramblings from yours truly. Please correct me where I'm wrong.
On edit: corrected 1 typo and 5 spelling errors.