results of one-party rule
Ten years ago, we had the Clintons' White House cat, Socks.
Today, we have billions of dollars missing, wasted or stolen by no-bid contractors in Iraq who have close ties to the administration.
We have the administration using part of its $1.6 billion propaganda budget secretly putting "journalists" on the payroll.
We have administration officials conspiring to leak the name of a CIA operative for political motives.
We have administration officials lying to Congress and the American people about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
We have $700 million earmarked for fighting terrorism in Afghanistan illegally diverted to prepare for war in Iraq.
We have administration officials lying about the true costs of the Medicare prescription drug bill.
We have the president lying about even knowing Ken Lay and Jack Abramoff.
We have the president admitting that he ignored the Fourth Amendment and conducted warrantless spying on Americans.
We have incompetent, unqualified cronies heading vital government agencies.
What is different between 10 years ago and now? Clinton's cat triggered a congressional investigation: Were the evil Clintons using taxpayer money for postage for Socks' fan club? Answer: No.
Apparently nothing the current administration has done has reached that heinous level because we see absolutely no congressional questions or oversight. Isn't one-party rule great? It is truly sad that Congress has switched from "advise and consent" to "roll over and play dead."