'Scarborough Country' transcript for 02 March 2006 --
MICHAEL SMERCONISH, GUEST HOST: We haven't talked—men, we haven't even talked about the war crimes trial. Dr. Rectenwald, are you going to support what's going on in Parsippany? A war crimes trial for the president of the United States? ...
MICHAEL RECTENWALD, CITIZENS FOR LEGITIMATE GOVT.: That's right, and George Bush is luck he's not on trial for war crimes right now, because he is a war criminal ... What's the definition of a crime? It's breaking a law. He broke international law conducting the war in Iraq, plus he defrauded Congress in lying about the evidence. He should be impeached.
An earlier exchange:
SMERCONISH: I agree with you (David Horowitz) and I got to say—Michael Rectenwald, at home, I've got a five, a seven, a nine and a 17-year-old. I wouldn't want any of them, including the 17-year-old, exposed to this sort of thing (the Overland High School teacher, Jay Bennish, who criticized Dictator Bush, etc.) in a Geography class.
Yeah, well, I'd be more worried about Bush sending your 17-year-old to Iraq, but nevertheless... <snip>
Lori Price