Why shouldn't we
just trust them?
Why the uproar about having our ports managed by the United Arab Emirates? We need its money to finance the war on the future terrorism it will be involved in. Arabs are, after all, our allies, you know, like Saddam Hussein was our ally in the '80s, when we authorized the sale of chemical weapons to him. Besides, this deal was checked out by our intelligence service, right after it was done with the "weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" report.
But even if we suspected the United Arab Emirates government, the port management will be done by a company run only by its sympathetic citizens. Our ally the Saudi government helped us in tracking down the Saudi citizens who killed more than 3,000 people on Sept. 11, and we are so thankful for that. It's good to have allies.
We should support our government's instinct in fighting terrorism, like spying without court orders. We're not going to let the law get in our way. Why shouldn't we trust the "good guys"? Just because they allegedly leaked the name of a CIA agent as a political vendetta against a whistleblower? He said there was no evidence of WMDs in Iraq. Can you believe the snitch?
People are so paranoid. Trust this government. In 20 years, you'll be looking back, feeling the same melancholic pride that Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon bring us now. In the meantime, I'll pray that all this greed and incompetence don't bring us more loss of lives.