This is response to a 24 year female in CO considering joining the AF.
Its a decision that should not be based on economic need or pressure, once you are in thats it. One woman Veteran here in CO told me, Army Medic, that women were getting pregnant 'on purpose' to get out of Iraq, she shared horror stories with me and the Realities and Truths about life in the service. You will have to work harder than the men just to prove yourself, will have to tolerate lots of shit, including risk of assault which is high...
you'd be wise to SERIOUSLY think on it and if the costs are worth the outcome. If you are considering joining as a parent, you need to seriously look at the Realist risk of losing custody of your child/children, it happens, alot. Also joining military is NO UTOPIA in escaping poverty, there are vast numbers of women vets homeless, from Desert Storm, many who are alcoholics, suffering from PTSS and who've not gotten the help they need, from all branches. (Vietnam Vets too)
end quote....... I have to say is "support the troops!"