And not a very good one as far as that goes. He was however very talented at memorizing/reading scripts. I don't think he ever had an original idea of his own, and basically he just performed the parts that he was given. While he presided over the some of the most morally bankrupt policies here in California as Governor, and even more so a POTUS, I don't believe he was intelligent or evil enough to have come up with much of what he was given "credit" for. George H.W. Bush on the other hand was and is evil enough to take credit for many of the ills our country is suffering right now.
Sadly, Reagan was a stooge, and history will reflect that. When the records of his administration are finally made public, there will be a lot of shocked right wingers out there. The thing that makes my blood boil is that many of the real villains from Reagan's era are still with us, and wreaking havoc.
So did Reagan deserve to have his last days be a living hell? Well, my father is suffering through Alzheimer's right now, and believe me it is not something you wish on anyone. When my father leaves this place, he will go with a clear conscience and be relieved of his suffering. I think Reagan and all who follow his path will have a lot of explaining to do on the other side and may not be so lucky as my dad.
And BTW raysr, I'm not downplaying your feelings about Reagan. I do believe he was a reprehensible man for allowing himself to be used as he did. I just find that the older I get, the more careful I am of what I wish for.