I agree with the opinion that the problem is that they have had the "public"/media forum exclusively now for over 25 years, and have been slandering us and falsely characterizing everything we say, and censoring the response, and so this can only benefit them. I don't like to get into the thing of calling them "stupid," as some people do (not implying that you did), because it was false and it makes your own attitudes tainted.
The problem, I think, is not just that they are fooled--although they are--but that they believe that they are so clever, they and "the good people" understand the truth, and they will not be fooled by the treacherous liberal, as they have been warned. The thing that makes it difficult is that they think they are "analyzing" things and already know what they are; it would actually be better if they were just ignorant, as everybody is about many things, because then they might give you an open hearing on things. The problem is that they have a preconditioned defensiveness as to "what the facts are," and how, no matter what you say, they "know" you are "really" the lying, treacherous liberal "who is trying to destroy America/who never supports anything America does," etc. After all, they hear it constantly from people presented to them by the corporate media that gives them the Super Bowl and all the other norms of "entertainment" that you are the devil, no matter how you seem--so, watch for it! Republicans, the corporate lobbyists of "D"LC, Inc., everybody, says liberals are "bad." So they actually believe that they are already thinking.
This is why a total, corporate-trator phony like John McCain can get away with it year after year; not because of individual word or phrase "framing," but because of a total, manipulated impression that, (because archconservative), "everything is tough, brave, honest," blah blah, and anyone who actually correctly refutes the fake act, has not won by being right, but should really be treated as a lying wolf in sheep's clothing, because, remember, it is a liberal, and they are always really up to something else, which is destroying the country...You get the idea.
I think Democrats should change the approach from "these people are so stupid, how do I talk to them," to "they are totally duped by this eternally repeated line of thought fed into them, where they are actually deluded and stereotyping everything, never reading or learning anything, just like a cult, believing they are really smart and not fooled, which was exactly how they were fooled"--and learn how to talk to and un-do that. Our problem is to get past the opinion that no matter what we say, they "know what we really are," etc., this shit. The Democratic Party and its New Deal type policies for the good of all the people used to be the moral and philosophical center of this country before the corporatists of the Republican Party and "D"LC, Inc. came along with their smear campaigns, and we will be again as soon as people realize that we are the mainstream majority, and the others are the global capitalist anti-Americans, trying to destroy our way of life.