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International Penny Stock fraud--Dubai key player?

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
Horse with no Name Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-06-06 10:26 AM
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International Penny Stock fraud--Dubai key player?
Bellador group--CIA connection?

There are reasons to believe the Dubai boiler room is
protected by our own government and believe it or not SRA International that trades on NYSE,so it is NOT a penny stock,has been recommended and thus promoted by Bellador Group in Dubai ! And,fact,SRA International is a CIA investment through its scammy penny stock operation called In-Q-Tel !! Furthermore it is the CIA'S source of daily briefings to our Resident in Chief at the White House and no doubt,part of,and probably a great part of, the NSA's internet spying and trolling machine that tracks us on the world wide internet ! In fact based upon its monopolistic contracts and corporate welfare it receives it should not be a public company trading and dumping its shares on the international markets at all.A real president would not want to get his 'WMD' briefings from a company also controled by unknown individuals manipulating its shares from onshore much less offshore in terrorist suspect money laundering countries !!
SRA International is a scam that should never have been allowed to go public and use its Beltway contracts to pupm and dump its shares.

In a sane society citizens would not be the enemies of the state,offshore boiler rooms like Bellador Group that is using unaudited and unregistered shares of U.S. securities in terrorist suspect money laundering havens such as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai or Saudi Arabi and UAE would be !! Instead W Bush,war 0,has
become the money launderers and terrorists best friend and thus he has allied himself against Ameica.Not the kind you want making decisions on national security and war.He has done more damage to our military than China,Russia or North Korea could have done working together !!

SRA International also developed Mantas,the supposed anti-money laundering arm of various brokers and bankers including Charles Schwab who has aided many illegal pump and dump frauds through LOM of Bermuda alone.Charles Schwab allowed Endovasc,Stanford University,and James Dale Davidson to deposit up to 30 million shares of worthless Endovasc shares into one Schwab account so the Beltway securities fraudster Davidson who also has Dubai and LOM connections to promote it with lies in his Agora Inc. 'Vantage Point' and illegally dump those shares through Schwab !!

In-Q-Tel's last CEO,Gilman Louie, left suddenly and his role in various penny stock pump and dump scams and who knows what else should still be investigated if only we had a government.The new CEO,Amit Yoran, who came to the Beltway by way of West Point and sold his government subsidised Riptech, Inc. internet security business, ,to Symantec was only recently our Homeland Securty 'cyber czar'.

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Village Idiot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-06-06 11:15 AM
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1. James Baker, the UAE and BCCI.
Three things you NEVER see together in news articles, these days...wonder why that would be?
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