Yessiree, being in charge of a part of a neglected federal organization when they actually have a job to do must be overwhelmingly difficult. Well, sure it is--and that's why they get paid the big bucks. From listening to his interviews and answers to questions, the guy is hopelessly incompetent under the best circumstances. He seems to function on a daily basis like a competent person would after having been deprived of sleep for at least 96 hours (4 days)--just imagine him on only six hours of sleep per day (probably like someone suffering from a total absinence from sleep for 192 hours (8 days)(if someone could do that, they'd probably have alread died from lack of sleep)?)!
No excuse anyway; if the job was more than he could handle, he should have made a serious request for help indicating his critical failings. Seems like the buck was supposed to stop at his desk, but he seemed to think that if he just mentioned the problems in his briefings, reports or emails--that somebody would take care of them. Sarcastic paraphrasing? "Well, I told the White House... of course, I don't really remember exactly who I spoke to, when or what I said--but I'm sure I would have said the situation was... like shocking or something like that... and in the past, whenever I told the White House things were really bad, they would then take care of the problem, but yes, I knew we were under a different arrangement by the time of Katrina in which we were supposed to follow our plans and not rely upon the White House or anyone else... but... but they'd always handled things in the past... and as for those rude, self-important people in our parent organization--the Department of Homeland Defense, if they wanted to know what was happening, all they had to do was tune into our daily videoconferenced reports...". So, now he admits he made mistakes due to sleepiness? Probably admits he forgot to copy so and so on some of his emails (urgent emails by the way).