Bowtie boy's biggest problem is that time slot. It's the only "live" first-run show at that hour...and competes against some pretty heavy-weight competition. On Faux it's the rerun of O'Reilly (many on the west coast catch this as their first run) grabbing away the older Scarborough viewers...then there's The Daily Show on Comedy Central that kills in that time slot now and is far more entertaining and hip than the Young Repugnicans coven bowtie boy hosts. Then on the east and in the midwest, the show is up against the local news...still a major draw, especially for the audience bowtie boy is trying to reach. Then...by the time his show is rerun, it's 3am on the East Coast. Rick Kaplan's gotta be rethinking this thing...the ratings have been a real disaster.
Methinks Kaplan's slowly evolving the network away from being Faux, Jr....but it's taking time. He's gotta manuever not only with a bunch of losing shows he inherited...but the GE corporate structure that doesn't think twice of using their television networks to further their corporate and political agenda.
Thank goodness it appears the network's supporting Olbermann, and even promoting him these days. Here's hoping they find a spot to bring Ron Reagan back...methinks that 9pm ET time slot looks very nice. Maybe we should start a petition asking Robert Wright to send Husky McCosby to Aruba on permanent assignment and replace her waste of electrons with a nightly doseage of the new great communicator.