says potential exists for Iraq civil war:wow:
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 11:47 a.m. ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said on Tuesday there has always been a risk
Iraq could slip into a civil war but he accused the news media of exaggerating
the severity of the current situation.
"I do not believe they're in a civil war today," Rumsfeld told a Pentagon briefing.
"There's always been a potential for a civil war.
That country was held together through a repressive regime that put hundreds of
thousands of human beings into mass graves."
"It was held together not by a constitution, not by a piece of paper, not by respect
for your fellow citizens of different religious faiths.
But it was held together through force and viciousness," Rumsfeld added.
Then.... rejects reports of Iraq civil war :wow:
Associated Press
Posted on Tue, Mar. 07, 2006
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on Tuesday rejected suggestions Iraq
is engulfed in a civil war and claimed media reports have exaggerated the
violence since an attack on a revered Shiite mosque.
"I do not believe they are in a civil war today," Rumsfeld told reporters
at the Pentagon. But he said "there has always been a potential for civil war."Wow!! Look at the titles!! :wtf:
Is this "spin" by the MSM??
:mad: Ghessh!! :banghead: