Edited on Tue Mar-07-06 02:08 PM by kenny blankenship
You're the one lacking a cogent explanation for what you see happening.
You note that the press is lying down as Rumsfeld accuses their reporting for damaging the war effort (this is the same press that cheered on the war's beginning and parroted every lie used to start it)
Then you fail to draw the obvious conclusion--that they're prostrating themselves before power, just as before, because they serve that power. You strike the pose of "how it could possibly happen?" that the press could lay itself down like a doormat for this abuse and blame deflection. You give no reason. And you give no reason for rejecting my explanation.
Either the press is populated by individuals with the same bizarre character flaw purely by chance or the problem is systemic. The idea that national correspondents share the same mental illness by coincidence is simply absurd. The problem is systemic. What mechanism could underlie it, what could account for it? The fact that this government is bought and paid for by corporations, some of the largest of whom also own the highly concentrated news media, jumps to the fore...
Individual newsmen need not be "complicit" in any conscious sense. In the first place, they have all been SELECTED to get where they are. Not selected by the people who watch them, but by the people who pay their salaries. They are also not exclusively responsible for what they write. Everything they produce is edited and subject to being pulled by people more closely tied to the ownership. What individual journalists are consciously aware of is that if the management are unhappy with their output, for whatever reason be it lazy on-camera delivery or because the owners are unhappy about them asking hostile questions of the wrong people on the wrong subjects, then they are going to be replaced very soon by another "individual journalist" who is going to do a "better job" in the view of General Electric, or Westinghouse or the Western World Funding Corporation. That part about their resignation letter lying in a drawer somewhere is never far from their minds. Without ever signing their souls over to the Devil, or doing anything of a conscious, overt conspiratorial nature, "individual journalists" who are allowed a platform to reach a mass audience become part of a system that is complicit with itself. They are, from the point of view of the system that selects them, that pays them and that actively polices them, not individuals at all but interchangable parts, all intended to do the same work--and eminently replaceable should they ever stop doing that work. What is that work but to advertize the correctness of the corporate viewpoint, and its representatives in science, medicine, business, law and government? The medium is the message is still true, as far as it goes; but having sold the medium successfully a trillion times over, the message now draws in the entire worldview of the medium's owner, to celebrate and promulgate his eternal rightness in all things, to every corner of the Earth and Outer Space. And who accuses the individual journalists of being the monolithically "liberal media"? Why that would be the media itself. Is that accusation the symptom of some reasonless, self-hating character flaw shared by a majority of individual journalists? Of course not, it is rather a self-preserving, defensive function required by the ascendancy of corporations over citizens to maintain the myth of the demonic "enemy within", the paranoid fantasy that economic rulers would already be delivering the best of all possible worlds for us to live in, if it were not for the sinister plots of Liberals (worshippers of alien gods, perverts, unAmerican traitors) who want to wreck this perfection by injecting their twisted views through strategic institutions like the press and Hollywood.
Seems to me you aren't in much of a position to tell what's bullshit and what's not. (BTW: the truth is far from comfortable)