Since we have clearly shown that our elected officials have essentially given up on the Liberal or Progressive ideology of our party, and have embraced the Right Wing's racism, hate mongering, and exclusions as party platform ideals. I will not tell you how to finish sacrificing ideals on the alter of "electability" for 2008.
First, we have to push hard this year, running our candidates on a ban all abortions platform, after all the Democrats in South Dakota sponsored that bill, so the rest of us have got to see which way the wind is blowing, and get on board. I know, it goes absolutely against our grain to restrict anyones right to choose, but it's important to win elections as Repugnik Lite instead of Democrats, so we have to do what we have to do.
Second, We have to propose sweeping national legislation to allow all citizens, without any background checks, to carry concealed, any firearm they may wish. Additionally we should propose legislation that we will called pre-emptive justice. If you think the person you see is likely to commit a crime, you may shoot them to pre-empt the crime before it happens. We can call it the "take the high ground" instead of "stand your ground".
Thirdly, We should consider our candidates for 2008 as to whom the Repugniks and Right Wing Wackos will like. Of course, we know there is only one Democrat who will engender true support from the Right Wing Wackos, thus defeating any Repugnik challenger, and that is Zell Miller. Miller who made headlines as the only Democrat to speak at the Repugnik Convention in 2004 should be our candidate in 2008, because that is the kind of lunatic that the Repugniks are going to run, and we have to match them, we can't allow a Lunatic Gap to erode our electoral gains.
Lieberman may be too liberal for Miller to consider as a running mate, so we have to start now, getting David Duke to change his party affiliation to Democrat, so we can insure we get all the Racist Vote.
I know, all of this sounds really stupid, and you wonder if I have lost my mind, guess what, I ask the same thing of many here. Have you all lost your minds? is an example, where we toss out our idealism, and throw the truth onto the bonfire of political correctness. We look at 2004, and learn not one thing, instead choosing to mis read all the lessons, and ignore the truth, to be seen. We allowed the Press to dictate our candidate in Kerry, instead of the popular candidate Dean based upon the myth of "elect ability". I never hear the Repugnik candidate's comparative merits discussed under that standard, so why do I hear nothing else when we discuss a Democratic Candidate?
We keep moving to the right, and the votes on many key issues, including Alito and Roberts clearly demonstrate that. We had 20 Democratic Senators who voted to screw the individual under Bankruptcy Reform, which was a Protect Capital One plan if there ever was one. We abandoned the people, and wonder why they ignore us and don't turn out on election day? Gee go figure. Now our plan is to try and out fundie the Repugniks, and become what we detest, because the alter of Political Power demands a sacrifice, and our ideals, our passions, our beliefs are to be the first, or next, sacrifice. 25 people stood up and said no to reforming Bankruptcy, only 25 who thought that the individual shouldn't have a burden placed upon him that businesses do not have to bear. 20 Senators our OUR SIDE abandoned the people, and wonder why the Democratic Party has no depth to it's passions. We know we can't rely upon our elected officials to eschew the Repug and Big Business elite in favor of the little guy. Mr. Smith isn't in Washington, and isn't going to be let in, not by the "opposition party" if they have anything to say about it.
If think I am being sarcastic, in a way, I am. While we aren't quite to the point where we think Zell Miller represents us. We are to the point where we think it's perfectly acceptable to sell the long held, ideals and beliefs, out in favor of electability and expediency.