This is what I just sent a buddy via email when he was asking me about what it all means re: Ledeen:
Well, this Michael Ledeen (one of the key PNAC/neoconservative figures) seems to have his hand in many things.
He's been a key propagandist in spreading bullsh*t like Billy Carter was involved with Qaddafi and spreading the lie that some Bulgarian secret service was behind the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II.
It appears he's been one of (if not *the*) main people behind spreading the neocon fantasy of taking over the Middle East, essentially, and overturning regimes in Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc....anyone who's a threat to Israel.
He's been linked to a group called Propaganda Due (P2) that was active in the early 1980s and involved the current Italian leader, Silvio Berlusconi. It involved something in Italy akin to what Operation Northwoods would have been to the US (gov't sanctioned terror attacks against its own people). There are even links to the Vatican and some major players in the banking industry (one killed suspiciously - Calvi).
Ledeen was in tight with Stephen Hadley (another PNACer and the current National Security Advisor...he was under Condi Rice and took her old position when she was promoted to Sec'y of State). Hadley and Ledeen were instrumental in creating the forged documents that allegedly showed Saddam tried to buy yellowcake from Niger. The two of them were also involved (along with John Bolton, PNAC co-founder; Scooter Libby; and Dick Cheney) in orchestrating the leaking of Valerie Plame's name to discredit and smear Joseph Wilson for outing as lies the Niger documents (and the now-famous 16 words in the State of the Union back in 2003 where Bush claimed Saddam sought to buy yellowcake). That outing also exposed a CIA front company: Brewster Jennings. That company and Valerie Plame and others in the CIA were working on intelligence on Iran's nuclear program and now that's been brought to a halt due to the outing of Plame. They can now make up whatever intelligence about Iran that they want and they're starting to. You see, Iran and Russia reached deal where:
Iran Offers to Suspend Uranium Enrichment,
Russia-Iran plan 'blocked by U.S.' the US is going so far as to push this unverified claim:
ABC EXCLUSIVE: Iraq Weapons -- Made in Iran? Cheney and Bolton are ratcheting up the rhetoric:
Bolton warns Iran of "painful consequences" NO to Iran - or will face "meaningful consequences" says Tehran government sending military to destabilize Iraq they can detect it, why the hell can't they stop it?!?!Add in to the mix that an Iranian oil bourse will open in a couple of weeks and will be based upon the Euro, not the dollar. And, US Treasuries are pushing a 5% yield. That makes continued issuing of debt more and more expensive for the US. But, the US needs to keep issuing debt to cover the anticipated $3-4 trillion of additional debt to be added over the next several years. So, how does one get around that? Well, there's this thing called M3. M3 is the amount of US currency in circulation. The gov't is set to stop publishing the value of M3 in a couple of weeks (about the same time that the Iranian bourse starts up). What does this mean or allow? Well, it would allow the gov't to start printing money to fund its spending and hide that fact in order to keep inflation from skyrocketing (and I mean 20-25%/yr...think of Germany in the 1920s or Argentina not too long ago).
A war with Iran would be VERY costly. VERY. The money needs to come from somewhere and promptly cutting Medicaid/SS/Medicare/etc. is too obvious and would be met with anger and resentment and a likely loss at the polls in '06 and again in '08.
Some of this may sound tinfoil hattish and I don't really have proof that the gov't will start printing money like mad but the writing is on the wall. The stock markets are way overvalued and this whole economic recovery is fraudulent (our GDP has been at or near zero for over a year when one takes home equity mortgages out of the economy). The "recovery", essentially, has been funded by Americans going into debt on their homes.
It's all gotta come crashing down sometime and it's likely going to sooner than later, esp. if another "front" in the war on terror is opened up.
These neocons have taken over US foreign policy and they've been fighting for a couple of decades to attain their power. They want revolution in the Middle East in order to "assume command" via US-friendly "democracies". The same way they did in Central America in the 1980s. Only this time, it seems their justification is solely their ideology and a Zionist bent to protect Israel (most of the neocons are very pro-Israel and linked to AIPAC have been linked and/or convicted of spying for Israel).
This shit is really fucking scary.
Every Republic has come crashing down when it became too ideological and/or too obsessed with economic growth (in our case, the new colonialism - spreading capitalism - opening markets for US companies as the US market is saturated w/little room for growth).'s that for disaster in the making in a nutshell?
Edit: Oh, and add in the 9/11 MIHOP possibility where the PNACers/neocons were working with a group that was in control of the 9/11 hijackers. There's plenty of evidence out there linking CIA to interviewing bin Laden before 9/11; UAE family meeting w/bin Laden and in close with people in this administration; CIA trained bin Laden and the Islamists via the ISI 20 years ago; etc.