Christianity. It is being conducted by the religious right. We need to focusing on how they not only seek enrich themselves through politics, Faith Based Initiative, but also how they are attacking mainstream denominations because they covet their assets. Through deceit, they are enriching themselves to empower. to Action, Anatomy of an Attack
By John Dorhauer
In the coming weeks, I want to begin to look specifically at local congregations that have been targeted for attack from the right. Each will have its own distinct set of circumstances and characters: but over time patterns will emerge. And if at any point along the way it should dawn on you that something like that is happening in a congregation you know about, then that should be brought to the attention of the church's pastor, Council, and judicatory offices.
On November 16 2003, Evangelical Church of the Redeemer United Church of Christ voted to disaffiliate with the United Church of Christ. Just how that happened is a long and sordid story of deceit, coercion, and manipulation that played out over years. Today we catch just a glimpse of their story. You will soon hear more.
By the time I arrived in May of 2003 to serve on the Staff of the Missouri Mid-South Conference of the United Church of Christ (with oversight of the 75+ churches of the St. Louis Association of that Conference), Redeemer church was embroiled in a controversy that would eventually lead to the termination of their Interim Minister, a Fitness Review and termination of standing of their former pastor, a significant loss of members, and a vote within six months to disaffiliate with the United Church of Christ.
In the United Church of Christ, local churches are fully autonomous. They own their property, their endowments, their membership contributions, and any other assets they have accrued over the life and history of the congregation. Lyle Schaller has described the United Church of Christ less as a denomination than a "voluntary affiliation of local congregations." A 2/3 vote by any congregation is all that is needed to leave,
and to take with them millions of dollars in assets. For this reason, they have been aggressively targeted by the religious right and their minions./snip
Think Dobson's involved? Who knows? But he is not a theologist, he is a psychologist trained in behavior.