Their ability to get people to change their minds is very well-known.
The NSA spying may have something to do with it.
Redstate women had better stock up on
A overhwelming majority of Americans are pro-choice, and have been for years.
That does not matter. It never did.
Congress and the President have only acted to try to make abortion harder to get.
Only the Supreme Court safegards reproductive freedom, for now.
We need to support the right to choose, on moral grounds.
It is, unfortunately, a loser for us electorally, despite majority support for it.
The anti's are all single-issue voters -- every single one of them. They don't care
what the Repubs do to them as long as they oppose abortion. Most of the pro-choice
voters can be scared into voting Repub by fears of crime, terrorism, or whatever.
The Republicans know this, which is why they are pushing abortion bans so aggressively.
It has already been reported that it will be the centerpiece of their electoral strategy.
Quite a few Dems know this also, and just want the issue to go away. Some of them
consider unconditional surrender on reproductive freedom to be an acceptable price.
You can tell them by the "Yes" votes on certain key cloture motions.
Caving in on abortion is an even worse loser electorally, because the antis will
still vote Republican, and a lot of disgusted pro-choice voters may stay home.
They don't seem to understand this.
We have to fight them on this. Both morally and tactically, we have no choice.
It will cost us a lot of votes and we have to be prepared for that.
We will need to make that up somewhere else, somehow.