Via Buzzflash; The Center for Constitutional Rights is a non-profit legal and educational organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. of Impeachment Against George W. Bush (Paperback)
by Center for Constitutional RightsBUZZFLASH REVIEWS
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But that doesn't mean that the case for impeachment should not be made and argued before the American public. If there ever was an administration that has betrayed the Constitution, our national security, and the laws of our land, it's the Bush Administration.
Impeachment is a process that begins in the House Judiciary Committee, proceeds to the full House, which then recommends that the Senate try the President. But first the House Judiciary Committee must draw up articles of impeachment. In essence, this is what an indictment would consist of in a criminal trial.
This 140-page book released in March of 2006 provides the articles of impeachment against Bush that could be referred from the House Judiciary Committee to the full House.
In the forward to the indictment against Bush, William Goodman, the Legal Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights notes: "The message was clear: Opposition and dissent were treason and concern for constitutional rights was a technicality, a phantom that played into the hand of terrorists. Out of this antagonism to the Constitution that had long predated the attacks of 9/11...grew the full-blown attack on the system of checks and balances and the Bill of Rights that the following articles detail."