It's not as if I asked you where you leave the keys to the house, my good fellow.
I read "Didn't the Democrat=Peacenik phase end about 35 years ago?" as a sneer. It shouldn't be too mysterious why: "peacenik" started its life as a derogatory term used to bash the anti-war left. Ask your mom. Anyway, I see now you didn't mean it that way.
Unfortunately, "security" is an ambiguous term in our politics. One person's security is another's invasion--or unchecked military spending, torture, or spying on citizens. So that's why I asked--to understand you.
Your concern was perceptions about the party moving right. Military expenditures and the Iraq war, in fact, are two areas that actually do represent a rightward shift within the Democratic party and especially for its leadership.
Anyway, sure, the port security issue is critical, and I guess if Dems are being criticized as moving right for wanting it, that's going to be irritating to some. Anyone making that charge hasn't been paying attention: the shift has already occurred.