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It doesn't help to act like a Republican.

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
TheWraith Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-08-06 08:30 PM
Original message
It doesn't help to act like a Republican.
There's been a sharp rise over the last few days in the number of DUers who have simply gone off deep end. Screaming, complaining, whining, having temper tantrums, and in general behaving like Republicans. It's only a few, really, but they're very very noisy.

I'm referring primarily to two groups: the people who insist that the only possible reason for Brokeback Mountain not getting the Best Picture award was an anti-homosexual conspiracy, and the people who feel that the best way to deal with the recent anti-abortion bill in South Dakota is defame all South Dakotans, Democrats, and men in general as evil sexist Nazis.

A word to all involved: screaming doesn't help. This isn't your bully pulpit, it's a forum for discussion. Shouting down opposition, hurling insults, and defaming your opponents as sexist/homophobic isn't discussion. If you want to convince people that you're right, try engaging in an actual dialog. It seems that every other thread the last few days has either been a self-masturbatory discussion of how put upon you are, or an attempt to shout down anybody who offers an opinion that's not identical to yours.

It also doesn't help to exaggerate. I've seen thread after thread talking about all these vicious attacks that you've suffered, but somehow, I've conspicuously never seen the actual attacks. There was a big stink made claiming that after the 2004 election, all of DU went off on a gay-bashing streak, blaming gays for the loss of the election. I remember a couple of threads debating whether or not Gavin Newsome's gay marriage stunt helped to bring out the fundies. Ironically, the most vehement posters were the ones who insisted that gay marriage had absolutely nothing to do with it, and that not a single vote could possibly have been swayed on that issue. For firmly believing that the Oscars are run by bigotry, you sure seem reluctant to believe it could influence any other form of voting. Much the same deal for anyone who says pretty much anything about abortion that isn't the exact party line offered by the ultra radicals.

You folks who are engaging in this behavior need to make a decision: whether you want to go off on some self-pitying Cassandra-complex crusade against everyone who isn't your little tribe, or whether you actually want to get something done. If it's the latter, things would be better if you tried to not kill and eat your allies. If it's the latter, I suggest that you find someplace else to do it. The energy that you burn complaining and tying DU into knots could be better spent actually working FOR something, to advance your cause. Some of us would like to get back to focusing on how to advance a real progressive agenda.
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sui generis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-08-06 08:37 PM
Response to Original message
1. it doesn't help to exaggerate
some of your own advice is best used at the source.

You are equally guilty of generalizing and using this as a bully pulpit. Quit whining. Stop exaggerating. You're acting like a republican.
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existentialist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-08-06 08:41 PM
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2. Being from South Dakota
I appreciate your thought.

Especially since the legislation was far from home grown, but rather the anti-abortionists choose South Dakota because it is (population wise) a small, impoverished state. Therefore it was viewed as relatively easy picking to come in with a bunch of money, and buy the legislation they wanted.

I actually expect that the anticipated Court battle will not come about because South Dakota has Referendum. Any enacted law can be referred to the voters. This one almost certainly will be, and if the polls are even close this law will be rejected by the voters, and thus muted out, and the Court fight will be avoided until the right to lifers go buy some legislation in some other legislature.
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northofdenali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-08-06 09:10 PM
Response to Reply #2
6. Those of you who are on the side of right have it bad right now.
It won't get easier for a while - we liberals tend (at least in my experience) to rant, rave and raise hell, then calm down and get to work to correct the situation. I almost wish, since there's a DU'er in SD, I wasn't boycotting Sturgis this year! (Not just for the anti-choice thing, but also for the Janklow thing, still.)

I've heard lots of blame come down on all Alaskans for the few who want to open ANWR, accept Uncle Ted's Bridges to Nowhere, and even down to the oil spill currently in cleanup on the Slope, so I know where you're coming from.
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RB TexLa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-08-06 08:42 PM
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3. on the movie thing, I was more offended by the guy saying it was

an anti-rural vote. Said that Crash was set in an urban setting and therefore won because more of the voters live in an urban area. Guess he needs to learn about his country, more people overall live in urban area, this is an urban country, this guy is full of shit and needs to get over it.

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Nitrogenica Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-08-06 08:46 PM
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4. I think it's about time we have some things to be fired up about!
Democrats have a variety of things we're passionate about, that's what sets us apart from the "reapeat the message without thinking" Right Wing. I'm sure people here have some pretty good reasons to rant.
There is a common theme here we can all agree on, however. We all know in our heart of hearts that W and his administration are the most crooked bunch of liars our Country has ever seen.

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sui generis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-08-06 08:51 PM
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5. man that was offensive on so many levels
I know you meant well, but it was plain offensive. I hope you're prepared to take a little heat. You failed to note the gloating by some here - thin skins or not, and even a few jokes about sheep and men that were just mind boggling.

It's really ridiculous for someone reading a thread about a movie to tell everyone they need to be busy with the progressive agenda. Post that in the progressive agenda thread if we go off topic there, but DU has many forums for many people and many issues.

Your tone is condescending. I know this because I'm really good at that myself. It doesn't bother me, but it's not constructive and it's high handed and judgemental.

You compare people who may or may not have legitimate gripes to the extremes, or suffering from persecution complex or on a crusade. You call Gavin Newsome's personal life a stunt (?) what the fuck? And you accuse these silly little upset gay people of tying DU into knots.

You may have bitten off more than you are able to chew with that one. You folks. Who engage in this behavior.

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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-08-06 09:11 PM
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7. You can't change people.
Only grow tired of them.
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mdmc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-08-06 09:13 PM
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8. I am sorry for my indiscretions
:kick: for forgiveness?
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OPERATIONMINDCRIME Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-08-06 09:13 PM
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9. Agreed. I Don't Think There Has Been A More Important Year In My Lifetime
We MUST take back congress this year. It is an absolute MUST. We better learn to unify and work towards that means however possible and to the best degree possible. We must get it done.
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sui generis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-09-06 09:15 AM
Response to Reply #9
10. hey they say that every election
name one where it wasn't "the most important election of our lifetime"

If you want us silly little gay people to support you, then don't mock us and don't tell us that gay issues aren't progressive. If there is fear and paranoia among us, it's not just coincidental. We know that our vote is expected whether or not you support our issues. That's not a great feeling, doesn't make us feel very generous about the process and our own party.

When I vote to raise the minimum wage it impacts minorities and immigrants the most. Yet those same minorities and immigrants think I shouldn't be married to my life partner or that my adopted children should be taken away.

If you don't support our issues, don't expect our vote. On DU especially, where we all fight for human decency together, to be downplayed and belittled is unbecoming. We're not asking anyone to feel sorry for us. Just don't expect us to turn the other cheek.

The OP here stepped way way out of bounds, but in the interest of civility I haven't dismembered him/her yet. We all have our days.

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MadHound Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-09-06 09:26 AM
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Oh my, please, get a grip, thank you. If you think this is bad, then you shouldn't even log in here during primary season. In fact you may want to skip this year's primary season, and this year's election season. I'm sorry, but I find your post laughable.

Look, we're a bunch of impassioned people around here. Is it over the top at times, sure. Can it get ugly, snarling and vicious? You bet! But to compare us to Republicans is so over the top, so completely bereft of reality, it's just plain laughable.

And the fact that you're scolding the ENTIRE board about this just goes to show, well, it just shows a lot about yourself, we'll leave it there.

This is DU friend, and a lot of people play rough at times. If you can't handle the heat, well there's always the ignore and hide thread options. I would suggest that you start judiciously using them rather than scolding the entire board. Your little rant comes across as pompous and condescending, two attributes that add absolutely nothing to the discussion, nor offer any solution to the "problem"

If somebody is going after you viciously and personally, alert the mods. If you're tired of the rough and tumble, well hey, don't go into those threads. It really is that simple.
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