WooHoo! That seat is safe now. Ha - can't wait to kick her butt.
http://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060308/APP/603080895via Kos:
http://www.dailykos.com/By BRENDAN FARRINGTON
AP Political Writer
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris said she doesn't plan to drop out of the Senate race, a statement she made as rumors swirled Wednesday that she would end the campaign because of ties to a company involved in bribery scandal.
"I am out there. We are running hard. We think we have great momentum," Harris said in a telephone interview. She is the only major Republican in the race to unseat Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson.
Speculation was heavy in Washington and Florida that her association with a defense contractor, MZM Inc., that prosecutors say illegally funneled thousands of dollars to her 2004 House campaign would force her out of the race. Harris has said she didn't knowingly do anything wrong.
In the plea agreement, Wade acknowledged dining with Harris at a Washington restaurant in 2005 to discuss a possible fundraiser for her and obtaining funding for a Navy counterintelligence program involving his company. She requested the funding, but Wade didn't get it. Harris said she wanted the $10 million appropriation to bring high-wage jobs to her district - not because of the campaign contributions.