Invisible Children, Inc. is dedicated to providing financial resources to invisible children by documenting their true, untold stories in a creative and relevant way, resulting in positive change.
I went to a free screening of this movie last nightin Ann Arbor on the campus of the University of Michigan. It is about the children in Uganda and their suffering. Some young, passionate Americans have created a team and are really making a difference in the lives of these children. The suffering is so unbelievable that they couldn't walk away from it. It made me hopeful for the future to see their passion and determination. They are so young and so capable. I have kids this age and I know that they are more sophisticated then I was at their age, but my God. Give them power point and watch them go! God bless them.
The movie was shown at Hale Hall at the University of Michigan. My husband and I went with our 15 year old son. What an experience to have with him. 500 or so students and a few other people of different backgrounds, such as ourselves, packed into this hall to watch a movie that was so moving and obviously so important. The movie brought you into Uganda and into the lives of the children that they filmed. The whole thing was amazing. They hope to bring it to theaters so that more people can see it. It is really worth checking out.