My husband has subscribed to a Daily Devotional Email from a Pastor Kerry at Covenant Lutheran Church (ELCA) in Houston, TX for a number of years. Although we are Missouri Synod, we know Pastor Kerry and have enjoyed the devotionals. Kerry recently went on a 6-month sabbatical doing who knows what and came back talking all this anti-war garbage. We were present at his Christmas Eve Service with the family (my husband's sister goes there) and almost got up and left when he started talking about our bombs killing innocents on Christmas Eve. My husband has already written him twice after his emails this week with no reply. Look at the website and read the devotionals from this week. Here are a few excerpts. I would post them all but it would be very long.
"Increasingly I am coming to believe that the best support, both now and in the long run, in the face of messages that say the quagmire in the Middle East will last for years, is to bring them home."
"Let us pray: Gracious God, the battles against evil rage in our hearts and in this world. Patience and love fall to power and weaponry. Our brother is dehumanized and our children are taught to kill with precision. Bombs are strapped to bodies and statesmen abuse the trust of their people and the power of their offices. Is there anything we can do or must we sit idly by? In Jesus’ name. Amen."
"I realize that I am not a philosopher or a theologian or an expert at anything, I’m nothing but a simple parish pastor. And I seriously question whether what we are doing in Iraq continues to be just and right or whether it has become something we are just doing because we have the might."
"Perhaps we haven’t learned much in the last 4000 years. But hopefully we have learned something. Hopefully we have learned that wars don’t solve problems. At best, war can create the opportunity whereby problems can be solved. I pray that is the outcome in Iraq and I pray that it happens as quickly as possible."
"Let us pray: Dear Jesus, just as people misconstrued the message of the Bible when they used it to convict you of blasphemy, so too people today use the Bible to justify their prejudices, fears and idolatries. Help us to truly and deeply see beyond the words on the page to the Word which your Spirit sows anew in our lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOPICS: Culture/Society; Philosophy KEYWORDS: ELCA; RELIGION; WAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am growing increasingly tired of liberal pastors using the pulpit to bash our country, our president, the war on terror, etc. 1 posted on 03/09/2006 6:17:11 AM PST by American72 < Post Reply | Private Reply | View Replies > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: BnBlFlag
ping 2 posted on 03/09/2006 6:18:56 AM PST by American72 (Sick of Democrats) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: American72
I would be leary of anyone named Kerry!!!!!! 3 posted on 03/09/2006 6:18:58 AM PST by mariabush ("Over there, over there, We won't be back 'til it's over Over there.") < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: American72
Isn't the Missouri synod the conservative wing of the Lutheran church?
My daughter-in-law and grandkids are faithful Lutherans and they are a military family. 4 posted on 03/09/2006 6:20:52 AM PST by squarebarb < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: American72
They have infiltrated our churches. I feel some did it to force social change. I would expect a pastor or priest to be averse to warfare. I would also expect them to preach Gods word and not that of CPUSA or the DNC. I would simply block their emails. 5 posted on 03/09/2006 6:22:03 AM PST by satchmodog9 (Most people stand on the tracks and never even hear the train coming) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: American72
Alphabet Lutheran..probably went to a brainwa..er, convention during his sabbatical. His fellow ELCA and UCC ministers chanted their liberal cult mantra and his sponge-like brain absorbed it. We have many priests like this in the Catholic Church. 6 posted on 03/09/2006 6:22:34 AM PST by steve8714 (Burn Peugeot, burn.) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: squarebarb
ELCA is liberal. Missouri Synod is conservative. Wisconsin Synod is even more conservative. 7 posted on 03/09/2006 6:23:39 AM PST by Tao Yin < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 4 | View Replies > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: TonyRo76
Hi, Tony! FYI ping... 8 posted on 03/09/2006 6:24:31 AM PST by RebelBanker (If you can't do something smart, do something right.) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: American72
just as people misconstrued the message of the Bible when they used it to convict you of blasphemy, so too people today use the Bible to justify their prejudices, fears and idolatries
Pot and kettle, there. This guy's a Leftist using his mail-order collar as a crutch for The Agenda.