First Cheney was telling us how bad be are at personal finances. As if we all work for companies that basically are given free no bid contracts by the government that are never audited. Then Bush, who last time I checked is president and has at least something to do with that whole budget process, seems unhappy congress hasn't given more money to New Orleans. Now Rice and Rummy want more money for Iraq. What a surprise you mean the war in Iraq costs money to fight! If I were congress I’d say you know what the cost of the war was during the budget process. We already allocated all the military spending you asked for. If you want MORE money I suggest you raise some MORE money. It’s funny but the cost of helping New Orleans a city in MY country seems so small compared to the endless, pointless war of aggression being fought in a country that doesn’t seem particularly grateful for us attacking it. One thing is clear. Cheney sucks at finances every bit as much as the Americans he was pointling fingers at. Just when you think you’ve budgeted everything you want to have, you remember 90 billion more you need to spend. I guess the only difference is in 3 more years Cheney is leaving his debt to someone else.