Today the President gave a harsh warning to the Canary Islands saying: "I am very concerned about the threat of Bird Flu, and if the Canary Islands aren't willing to nonprolifee....unprfleria....noprlora........ disarm, then all options will be on the table." The President appeared resolute and steadfast saying this was, indeed, part of the "War On Terror." However he sought to distance himself from the argument that this is a crusade against all birds. "Listen, we appreciate our feathered friends, Birds are a beautiful thing... I mean, I, uh, watch Sesame Street all the time... I love Big Bird... but just because we get along with birds doesn't mean that we are chickens either (groan I should just stop but no...) and Mercka is prepared to defend itself with force if need be."
The President was then asked about other countries that may be a possible Bird Flu threat, and he replied, " Well, Turkey is certainly on my list, they may have formed an avarian Axis of Evil with the Canary Islands, and that one place where the Dodos used to be, I don't know, but we do know that birds of a feather.. flock.... birds feather... and flock with... birds like to get together.... and we need to be abreast of the fact that they all may fly south together for the winter."