but basically if you let positive associations be hijacked by thugs, you grant them a favor
the word "patrie" (basically the same meaning) was one the first emotional words used by the French Revolution. The revolutionaries coined the expression "la patrie en danger" (homeland/fatherland in danger), because it gave a new dimension to the French community. Before it would have been said "the Kingdom in danger". The difference is monumental, because it means that the land that has to be protected is the land of our ancestors, not the "land of the King". There is no good word for "home" in French except "maison" (house). It's interesting to note that Chirac in one of his big speeches about environment said "the house is on fire", meaning the planet.
I don't think that the association Hitler/heimat is 100% accurate. He used a concept that existed BEFORE him :
Heimat is a German word that has no simple English translation. It is often expressed with terms such as home or homeland, but these English counterparts fail to encapsulate centuries of German consciousness and the thousands of connections this quintessential aspect of German identity carries with it.
Heimat is a specifically German concept to which people are bound by their birth, their childhood, their language and their earliest experiences. Heimat found strength in an increasingly alienating world as Germany's population made a massive exodus from rural areas into more urbanised communities around the country's major cities. Heimat as a reaction to the onset of modernity, loss of individuality and intimate community.Heimat began as an integral aspect of German identity that was patriotic, not nationalistic. The specific aspects of Heimat -love and attachment to homeland and the rejection of anything foreign-
left the idea vulnerable to easy assimilation into the fascist blood and soil literature of the National Socialists.
Heimat is most readily seen in the Heimatfilm from the Heimat period c.1945-1965 where film makers would place a profound emphasis on nature and the provincial homeliness of Germany. Forests, mountains, landscapes and rural areas portrayed Germany in a homely light with which the German people readily identified.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heimatand the first to use the word officially was.... the Clinton administration !!!!
"It may be giving too much credit to the Bush people to suggest that they deliberately chose "homeland" to send such a signal. It's more likely just a clumsy attempt to tug at our heartstrings. In fact, Jeff Greenspan, writing on the libertarian news and commentary site lewrockwell.com, has traced the phrase "homeland security" to a pair of Clinton Administration documents, "Presidential Decision Directive 62: Protection Against Unconventional Threats to the Homeland and Americans Overseas" and "Presidential Decision Directive 63: Critical Infrastructure Protection," both dated May 22, 1998."
http://www.spectacle.org/1201/bartlett.htmlread the article above, it's very interesting. I understand that the concept is "foreign" to American history. But on the other hand, the nasty side of American national pride, jingoism, can also be seen as a perverted approach to obliterate the "foreign" that created America.