Right now, there isn't really any reason for the man to wear a rubber.
Yes, we talk AIDS and STDs...but go look at the statistics on AIDS. It is FAR more likely that a woman will catch HIV from a man than a man catch it from a woman. (We put out that "men catch HIV from women as easily as from men" to protect women, not men--a guy is only going to wear a rubber if there's something in it for him. Pregnancy didn't work. VD didn't work. Herpes didn't even work and you'd think that would. "This can kill you" worked, but too many men are immortal.)
And how many men are in arrears on their child support? I gotta guy working for me who pays child support to ten different women, and the only reason he does it is that it's garnished from his pay. I'm not kidding: ten women. And two of them were stupid enough to do him twice--he's got 12 kids. I HAD a guy working for me paying child support to five women in New York, two in New Jersey and one in Pennsylvania. And in five months, make that six women in New York. (He transferred back to New York because traveling from Fayetteville to NYC for child support hearings was getting expensive.) Everyone here probably has a similar story to tell.
The sick part of those two guys is that if they weren't working for a company that's real proactive on child support enforcement, they wouldn't pay a nickel. If they didn't have garnishment as a means of collection, a LOT of guys wouldn't pay child support at all. You think "seizing of bank accounts" is gonna stop them? I can walk into any bank in America and cash my paycheck for a small fee. I can go to the post office and get money orders to pay my bills. You do not need a bank account in America. And you think "seizing of tax refunds" is gonna stop them? Yeah, right.
But make these morans actually RAISE the children they father, and shit will change in a hurry.