In case you missed it yesterday, the DP World pullout news was broken right on the Senate floor. Five minutes before a cloture vote on ethics legislation.
What the heck? you might say. What do the ports deal and lobbying reform have to do with one another? Well, Chuck Schumer had proposed an amendment to the lobbying reform killing the ports deal.
Now. Chuck Schumer had a fairly good framing idea in trying to attach the amendment on the ports to the ethics legislation. Wrap it all up in one big culture of cronyism and corruption.
But Chuck Schumer ain't no Karl Rove. And this little maneuver had Rove's sticky little fingers all over it.
In one fell swoop, Rove has:
1) made the Republicans seem like the heroes for announcing the port deal fell through; and 2) made the Democrats filibuster ethics reform legislation.
This is NOT good, and it's going to be fuel for the "Democrats are corrupt too" fire.
Can you find a single story that explains the connection between the two? Of course not. They're two separate stories. So you're going to get "Dubai ports deal killed" on page 1 and "Democrats stall ethics reform" on page 2, with no explanation. Rove is brilliant at engineering these little misunderstandings.
So what should we do?
We need to press the timing of this announcement. We need to say "Excuse me, if you're about to decide something important and some information comes in at the last minute, might you take a few extra minutes to process it?" We need to make it seem like anyone who would go ahead and vote must either a) not care about national security, or b) have known ahead of time what was going to happen.
The Republicans are careless. Or they're secretive. They're not acting like normal human beings would in a similar circumstance.
Thoughts/comments welcome.