York Times Sunday splash: A secret history of the Iraq war, reliant on U.S. military documents
RAW STORYThe New York Times plans the first in a series of two articles regarding Saddam Hussein's pre-war and Iraq war strategy based on a "secret U.S. military history." While the story looks to shed light on the internal workings of the Hussein government, it relies largely on internal U.S. military documentation, secret interviews, and the interrogation records of American analysts, many of whom posed as "military historians."
The documents purport that Saddam was "deeply distrustful" of his own soldiers, making crucial decisions himself and micromanaging, effectively hobbling his forces. Some examples, the TIMES says, include:
-- The Iraqi dictator was so secretive and kept information so compartmentalized that his top military leaders were stunned when he told them three months before the war that he had no weapons of mass destruction, and they were demoralized because they had counted on hidden stocks of poison gas or germ weapons for the nation's defense.
-- He put a general widely viewed as an incompetent drunkard in charge of the Special Republican Guard, entrusted to protect the capital, primarily because he was considered loyal.