There was little I didn't know. Vey well done and it exposed much of Einsenhower's warning of the 'military industrial complex'Einhower knew that we would at some point have a problem funding education,healthcare and alternative energy souces because of the build up to war. The last statement of the movie WHY do we fight" is chilling. WE fight because NO ONE is willing to stop it. Richard Perle was one of many in the movie. He said it makes no difference which party is in power since 9-11. A line in the sand has been drown and there is no going back .
I found a good article on the subject. Please read
As a result, we Americans now live in an economy totally centered on war and deficits. We are paying dearly for it. Only the war contractors and their political representatives are doing well. The government funds we need for living wages, universal health care, quality education, mass transportation, help for the poor, alternative energy sources, environmental protection and building local economies are being used to build an empire-class war machine.
This war machine must also suppress internal dissent for rule abroad because decent and peace loving people will resist this international crime being committed in our name. Like the Nazis who had to create homeland laws to suppress and divide the citizens we have seen the Patriot and Homeland Security Acts emerge with bi-partisan support in Congress. These unconstitutional policies were created to assist the success of capital-based markets, not to make us safe.
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